Qtech Control
International Inspection Engineers, Cargo Surveyors and Technical Resources
Qtech Control's inspection services are trusted by several international companies involved in the manufacture and distribution of Eolic Energy Products. Our inspectors work to ensure that our clients various wind components are transported to port and loaded aboard vessel in a safe, secure and undamaged condition. We also work with the vessel's Master to agree the stowage and loading plan.
On arrival at the port of discharge, our inspectors will perform a survey of the cargo on board deck and in the holds to check that there has been no transit damage or water ingress during the voyage. We then supervise discharge operations by monitoring stevedoring operations to ensure that cargo is removed as quickly and as safely as possible, without causing damage to the product's structure, or finish. When damage is noted, our inspectors perform a thorough investigation into the possible cause and extent of damage, taking photographic evidence and referencing the damaged item(s), before issuing a formal Letter Of Protest to the party who caused the damage. We bring minor damage, such as paint scrape, to the immediate attention of our client, allowing them to arrange ready repair on the quayside whenever possible in order to avoid costly delays during assembly at the final destination / wind farm installation.
Services provided:-
Pre-Shipment Inspection.
Damaged cargo survey (identifying damaged component and evidencing the damage)
Loading / discharge supervision.
Supervision of stevedoring operations / stowage, loading and discharge operations.
Silver Nitrate testing (to check whether water present is saline or fresh)
Hatch cover testing.
We have extensive experience of inspecting the following eolic products:-
Tower Sections.

Wind Turbine Discharge Control. Our surveyors perform loading and/or discharge control of wind turbine components to independently witness that goods are loaded and/or discharged in a safe and correct manner. Damage is recorded and photographed and a protest is issued to the party who caused the damage.

Wind Turbine Discharge Control. Our inspectors monitor stevedoring operations to ensure that goods are undamaged both during logistical operations aboard the vessel and during loading and/or discharge of road transport.

Wind Turbine Discharge Control. Our experienced inspectors understand the importance, and have in depth knowledge, of correct handling techniques and equipment to be applied when lifting Eolic Products.

Wind Turbine Discharge Control. Our inspectors record damage during loading and/or discharge of road transport and ocean going vessels. Official written protests are sent to the appropriate party who caused the damage and photographic evidence is obtained.
We protect our clients cargo interests worldwide by providing quality control of Eolic Products at loading and discharge during transportation by road and sea.