Qtech Control
International Inspection Engineers, Cargo Surveyors and Technical Resources

We are able to tailor our services to meet individual client requirements. Whether you require a resident expeditor or a monthly expediting visit, we can assist you to monitor vendor production progress and to push them to meet critical deadlines.

Hiring an experienced expeditor can represent excellent value for money compared to late delivery penalty contract clauses.

Contracting a manufacturer abroad can be a risky strategy as the cost to travel and monitor the vendor can be excessive. Qtech Control provide highly experienced local expeditors in many countries worldwide.
Vendor Expediting Services Worldwide
Qtech Control provide highly experienced and professional expeditors to monitor supplier activities throughout the sub-contract manufacturing process of critical components or equipment. Our expeditors pro-actively liaise with client suppliers to independently review and monitor progress of key processes including procurement, material control, production, testing and inspection scheduling, packing / preservation and delivery dates.
Clients are immediately informed of potential risks and developments which can impinge on the suppliers projected delivery date. Our experienced expeditors are on hand to pre-empt possible delay by offering advice and by implementing remedial actions whenever possible to bring production schedules back on track.
Delays in production and consequential late delivery to site, can have a negative impact on the contractors end client relationship, in addition to adversely affecting their reputation and credibility within the industry. More crucially, it can trigger contractual late delivery penalty clauses and impede on the completion of the end project as a whole, resulting in possible further financial risk to the contractor.
☑ Expediting Service Oil & Gas Industry
☑ Expediting Service Construction Industry
☑ Expediting Service Valves
☑ Expediting Service Engineered Products
Qtech Control is a UK based, ISO 9001, 14001 and 17020 registered inspection company. We have a global network of technical inspection personnel and expeditors.
Please contact us to discuss your expediting requirements in detail.
Highly experienced and professional expeditors.
Cost effective, independent verification of supplier progress.
Fore-warning of project delays and the potential opportunity to prevent it.
Reputation and Integrity maintained.
Tailored Expediting Services to individual client requirements.
Expediting Example Cases

Expediting Services Construction Industry

Expediting Services Engineering Industry

Expediting Services Industrial Heaters

Expediting Services Construction Industry