Qtech Control
International Inspection Engineers, Cargo Surveyors and Technical Resources

Factory Auditing Services Worldwide
In today’s demanding international business arena, it is important to have assurance that your supplier is capable of producing your goods on time and within specification. Ethical behaviour and corporate social responsibility are also becoming more and more of an issue. Our factory audit surveys provide an independent investigation into the supplier's experience level, financial stability, production quality ability, raw material sourcing / quality and ethical labour practises.
Qtech Control provide highly qualified and experienced auditors follow a rigorous procedure of on-site auditing and vetting procedures which include investigating and evaluating the factory’s financial standing and structure; environmental impact; labour force skills, experience level and competency; reviewing the factory labour policy (age, number and wage structure); reviewing factory accreditations; reviewing health and safety records and practises, investigating raw material sources, reviewing of production and quality control processes and investigating previous experience of producing similar goods. Upon completion of the audit a comprehensive report is provided alongside supporting documentation, allowing the potential buyer to judge for themselves whether the supplier is a suitable business partner.
Company Verification Visit.
Whilst it is possible to investigate companies / potential suppliers on-line to a certain extent, buyers can obtain considerable peace of mind and assurance by arranging a physical visit to the supplier's address. Qtech Control provides Company Verification Visits which are tailored to meet individual client requirements.
Our services range from discreet visits, taking photos or video of the premises, to calling unannounced as representatives of buyers and requesting a site tour in order to verify that the supplying company are operational and seem able to fulfil any potential business obligations with our client.

We have highly experienced factory auditors around the world including China; Vietnam; Bangladesh; Thailand and India.
From a simple company verification visit, to an in depth review of a manufacturers history, structure, ownership and production capabilities, Qtech Control provides buyers with peace of mind when doing business with unfamiliar suppliers.