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Qtech Control
International Inspection Engineers, Cargo Surveyors and Technical Resources

Witness Testing
Valve Hydrostastic Pressure Testing

Qtech Control ISO 17020 - 2012
ISO 17020 Certificate Qtech Control

Witness Testing
Valve LPI Testing

Witness Testing
Valve Hydrostatic Pressure Testing
3.1 to 3.2 Product Certification
The fundamental principles of type 3.1 and 3.2 certification are defined in the standard BS EN 10204:2004. The standard is usually applied to metal produced by mills in the form of bars, plates, tubes etc. however the standard can also be adapted to functional testing of products manufactured from such metal material (valve bodies, flow meter casings etc.)
Inspection Certificate Type 3.1
The EN10204 3.1 certificate is issued by the valve or flow meter manufacturer's QA department which has to be formally independent of the manufacturing department. The type 3.1 certificate confirms that the product is in compliance with the order specification and includes details of product testing results as appropriate to the product and the intended use.
Inspection Certificate Type 3.2
In order for a 3.1 certificate to be upgraded to certificate type 3.2, an independent body must be appointed to independently witness the testing and quality control of the product. The inspection body will review and sign off test reports and issue an independent inspection report confirming verification of the test equipment and calibration, test processes and test results. Once the manufacturer is in receipt of this he is able to upgrade his own 3.1 test certificate to 3.2 status.
A copy of the 3.2 certificate and the inspection body's independent inspection report are then to supplied by the manufacturer to the purchaser.
Qtech Control is audited and approved as a Type A, ISO 17020 inspection body for type 3.2 material certification and type 3.2 certification of engineering products by the international accreditation body ASCB. Since 1995 ASCB has accredited over 10 Certification Bodies in the UK and over 90 Certification Bodies internationally.
All of our product witness testing and material certificate verification and traceability is carried out by highly experienced and qualified mechanical engineers.
Witness testing is performed at the preferred laboratory / test house of the client. We do not perform testing in-house.
Our 3.2 product inspection and certification of engineered goods is limited to functional testing only. We do not provide 3.2 material certification post production of engineered goods.
Qtech Control is accredited to ISO/IEC 17020:2012 inspection body for 3.1 to 3.2 inspection and certification.

Witness Testing
Valve Fugutive Emissions Test

WItness Testing
Valve Bonnet PMI Testing

Witness Testing
Valve Hydrostatic Seat Test

Witness Testing
Flow Meter Bodies

WItness Testing
Valve Functional Testing

Witness Testing
Valve Painting Inspection

WItness Testing
Valve Hydrostatic Pressure Testing
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